Our goal is to offer you a comfortable accommodation experience with exquisite and thoughtful services. The surrounding area combines business, shopping, leisure, and cultural amenities, ensuring your stay is convenient and enjoyable.
Our goal is to offer you a comfortable accommodation experience with exquisite and thoughtful services. The surrounding area combines business, shopping, leisure, and cultural amenities, ensuring your stay is convenient and enjoyable.
Our multi-functional banquet spaces, complemented by the lush greenery of Calligraphy Greenway, provide a picturesque scenery; with over 40 years of culinary excellence, our chefs pay meticulous attention to detail, crafting personalized feasts for every guest.
Our multi-functional banquet spaces, complemented by the lush greenery of Calligraphy Greenway, provide a picturesque scenery; with over 40 years of culinary excellence, our chefs pay meticulous attention to detail, crafting personalized feasts for every guest.
為減少一次性塑膠瓶裝水的使用,客房內不主動提供塑膠瓶裝水。飯店於三個樓層裝設義大利Blupura氣泡飲水機,提供純淨健康的微礦氣泡水、常溫水及冰水,入住貴賓可自備容器或使用環保水瓶至指定樓層取用。 義大利原裝進口的Blupura氣泡飲水機使用對環境零衝擊的天然冷媒及節能裝置,取用在地水源,有效降低碳足跡。以卓越綠能科技連續多年獲得「European Aqua Awards」歐洲水榮譽大獎,廣受國際五星級飯店及米其林餐廳青睞使用。零碳足跡的沁涼氣泡水及微礦水全日供應,房客入住期間皆能盡情享用。
Indulge in a leisurely vacation and a feast of delectable cuisine starting at Hotel National! We are dedicated to providing meticulous and attentive service that meets your expectations.